Carolina 99.3 – Secret to Fresh and Powerful On Air Sound


The secret to Carolina 99.3 fresh and powerful on air sound is the new Grand FX Imaging Library from

“With Grand FX I felt my head spin. With every element a new creative idea comes into my brain. The sound is of a high level and it gives our radio station a fresh and powerful appearance on the air. I feel that we are one step ahead of our competition.”

Jimmy Olavarria, Imaging Director
Grand FX as heard on Carolina 99.3 Chile

It’s time for a new unique tool that lets you re-invent the sound of your station. With Sticky FX Grand FX you can get your imaging ready to take on all the competition in today’s radio world. A library with 365 FX & Work Parts including Starters, Impacts, Breakers, Hits, Sweeps, Beat Slams, Glitches, Risers, EDM Work Parts, Drones, Stoppers, Shots, Beat Starters, Apps, Slams, Stagers, Noises and Beds.

Get Grand FX and make your station’s imaging bulletproof to your competition, from wherever it may come!
