Reactions of radio broadcasters about use of AI in radio spots, programming, on-air content


The use of artificial intelligence, or AI, or voice generation content that is used on radio spots, promos and other broadcast content is a controversial topic in the radio industry. Some people see it as a way to enhance the quality and efficiency of radio production, while others fear it will replace human DJs and compromise the authenticity and creativity of radio.

– AI voice generation can help radio stations create and market tailored content for their listeners, using cloned voices of real DJs or completely AI-generated voices. This can save time and money for radio stations, and also allow them to experiment with different formats and styles².

– AI voice generation can also pose ethical and legal challenges, such as the ownership and consent of the original voices, the transparency and accountability of the AI systems, and the potential impact of AI-generated content on the public opinion and trust¹³.

– AI voice generation can also affect the role and identity of human DJs, who may feel threatened or devalued by the AI technology. Some DJs may embrace the AI as a tool to augment their skills and creativity, while others may resist or reject the AI as a competitor or imposter²⁴.

– AI voice generation can also have implications for the listeners, who may have different preferences and expectations for the radio content. Some listeners may enjoy the AI-generated content as a novelty or a convenience, while others may prefer the human-generated content as a source of connection and authenticity⁵.


(1) Ethics in Generative AI for the Radio and Music Industry – UX Planet.

(2) AI Radio Hosts: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace DJs … – Billboard.

(3) 10 AI-Based Tools for Radio – Radio World.

(4) How Do AI Voice Generators Work? A Detailed Guide – Find New AI.

(5) The 10 Best AI Voice Generators in 2024 Reviewed – Techopedia.