ROCK FM, PURE Jingles Introduce Fresh Jingle Package for a Modern Listening Experience


ROCK FM is thrilled to announce the launch of its new, contemporary jingle package. This refreshed sonic signature features a memorable 3-note logo, marking a significant shift in the station’s auditory branding and seamlessly aligning with its core sounds.

Mike Doetzkies, the Program Director of ROCK FM, explains the transition: the station’s previous jingle package was heavily focused on “Classic Rock.” To maintain a fresh sound, they opted for the modern appeal of a “PURE JingleBox” customized resing package, which stands out against their music mix, primarily composed of rock hits from the 80s and 90s.

Highlighting the smooth collaboration that led to this update, Doetzkies credits the synergy between Thomas Giger and Melvin Sleeking from PURE Jingles, and Bernie Epple from ROCK FM’s production team. The cooperation between the teams in Hilversum, Netherlands, and Epple’s team resulted in quick, clear communication and rapid implementation, making the process enjoyable and efficient.

Doetzkies is confident that listeners will appreciate the new, modern sound as much as the ROCK FM team does. The station plans to introduce the jingle package gradually, allowing listeners to adjust to the new sound without a sudden overhaul. This approach emphasizes evolution over revolution.

Thomas Giger, Branding Consultant at PURE Jingles, notes that the new station IDs are designed to enhance the listening experience for both loyal and new ROCK FM audiences. The audio branding aims to create a distinctive image and a robust brand identity, particularly through the recognizable sung logo melody. Giger is excited about the continued collaboration with Audiotainment Südwest in Southwest Germany, for whom PURE Jingles also creates jingles for their Hot AC brand RPR1.